Some funny thoughts and one-liners from Scott Simmerman on "Teaching the Caterpillar to Fly," and...
An Ode to Square Wheels
Square Wheels illustrations, that I first introduced in the early 90s, have since been used on the...
What will Brian Niccol DO at Starbucks?
Brian Niccol was the CEO of Chipotle. What will Brian Niccol DO at Starbucks now that he is CEO? I...
Spectator Sheep – Ideas for dealing with the non-engaged
Here are some ideas for dealing with the non-engaged, on impacting the uninvolved / unengaged, the...
Simple thoughts on training, motivation and leadership
Simple Thoughts on training, motivation and leadership is the focus of this short blog, with a...
Employee Engagement is OVER? Maybe that is a good thing!
An email from Mercer/Sirota today was headlined, "Employee Engagement is so over! Ok, maybe not...
“It makes sense to us” – Thoughts on disengagement and customer service quality
A trip to the library should be enlightening, and I read a lot of books so I go at least twice a...
Dr. Seuss on Disruptive Engagement
Even Dr. Seuss would understand the issues and opportunities around disruptive engagement and the...
Disruptive Engagement – 6 Blogs and 4 Illustrations
Disruptive Engagement is our reframe about the involvement and engagement of people in the...
The Hubcap Report – a note on Task Interference and Supervisors
These days, my focus continues to be on people and performance, with more consideration around The...
Managers – How Square Wheels can impact their workplaces
I got three fast notes from an HR director from an Indian company this morning. He and I had...
Disruptive Engagement, Supervisors, Empowerment and Performance Improvement
I listened to a great presentation yesterday by Mercer on managing engagement, the need to focus...
Monkeys, Management and Motivation – Simple Ideas
A blog about issues around corporate cultures and normative behaviors that make no apparent sense,
BOSS: Spelled Backwards
Boss. In organizations, a lot of people know precisely who that is. And that can be a positive or...
Learning Skills, Note Taking, and Improving Performance
I will admit that I was never much of a student when in school. It was an 82 average in high...