Please note: We stopped this promotion a while back. People continued to pay our retail price for...
Nobody ever washes a rental car – Thoughts on engagement and ownership
"Nobody ever washes a rental car." I've been using this phrase for dozens of years, since it...
Defense is not good for Innovation – Thoughts on Engagement for Innovation
There was an interesting thread on the Innovation Excellence group on LinkedIn, one that talks...
Chickens, Teaching, Honesty, Thinking and Innovation – a story
An acquaintance who is always sharing stories and jokes sent me a good one. And the more I thought...
Facilitation. Why? Ownership Involvement and Employee Engagement
As I was updating some of my orientation thoughts in some of the toolkits I sell, I got into...
Metaphors as Tools for Organizational Improvement
Ah, LinkedIn. Sometimes, a post in there just triggers some good thinking on my part (or at least...
Coaching: All the Managers, All the Time
In one of the LinkedIn discussions I participated in recently, the theme was about why coaching is...
Progress is not all about Training, Motivation and Processes.
For a long time, I have played with a couple of cartoons that reflect my thinking about training...
Marketing, Customer Service and People
One of my friends in India emailed me this morning, asking me for my thoughts about why companies...
Best Square Wheels Answers
Joan had asked me to do some writing around using Square Wheels® for some marketing videos,...
PRIDE – Issue or Opportunity?
One of the illustrations I have used over the years to focus on organizational paradoxes is this...
The Elephant in the Room – Line Managers are the Trainers (All others fail)
More and more, I am convinced that the KEY training people in organizations do not reside in the...
Motivation? It is feedback, not extrinsic motivators, the drive performance
I think the biggest opportunity to improve performance is through good, positive, immediate...
Beware Best Practices, They Can Kill Productivity, Innovation and Growth – Adopt Facebook, Linked-in, Twitter
REALLY?? Best Practices can KILL productivity, innovation and growth? Someone wrote that as an...