Maybe the title should be, "Engagement, Creative Problem Solving, Designing Solutions and then Not...
Thoughts on thinking about decision-making
Decision-making and motivation, two related but pretty complex issues. If you read some blogs, you...
Training and Development spins downhill, it seems. Confidence Drops.
eLearning News had a short article on the dropping level of confidence among those people...
Teamwork, Communications and Optimization of Performance
My friend Lou Carloni has been sharing ideas about people and performance for many years and a...
Square Wheels – Going Viral on People and Performance
Jonah Berger's recent book, Contagious: Why Things Catch On, is about why things go viral in...
Simplicity – Thoughts of Da Vinci, Einstein, Rockwell and Simmerman
In a blog post "Simple Isn't Simple" by Dan Rockwell, he said: Any fool can create complex....
Managing The Mavericks – Caring for the High Maintenance Employee
Lisa Woods penned a really great article on managing the people who are the atypical and hard to...
Innovate & Implement – an exercise linked to getting things done
We've been playing with the design of a package focused on innovation for a couple of years. Since...
My short rant on HR and relevancy…
On one of my LinkedIn group discussions, I contributed a post a week or so ago and then just...
Collaboration and Teamwork and dealing with Mud
People and Performance -- Here are some simple poems and frameworks to get people thinking about...
Training and Development cannot fix performance problems – Some Square Wheels
Companies spend money to improve results. They spend BILLIONS on doing surveys on organizational...
Simple thoughts on Extrinsic Motivation
Sometimes, I am not sure what triggers the motivation for me to pop into here and write up a blog....
It’s Not My Fault – Why Engagement is Not Working
Some really scary stuff is how much money companies are spending on Engagement Surveys and how...
Engagimentation = Engagement plus Implementation
Continued writing and reading and writing has been pretty interesting as I bounce different ideas...
Motivation and Dis-Un-Engagement
I got engaged in a discussion on LinkedIn, on a discussion page for HR professionals, where the...