On Sunday, March 9, at 0200 hours in the early...
Square Wheels
Possible Potential Possibilities and Continuous Continuous Improvement
Ron Richard, a quality consultant up in Canada,...
Business Haiku – Possibilities for Organizational Improvement with Square Wheels
While there are problems with employee...
Puppies and Performance Improvement – Random Thoughts…
Much of my thinking involves that metaphor of a...
Square Wheels and really expensive alternatives to Round Wheels
John McDermott sent me a link to a device called...
Bill Cosby, John LeCarre and Jim Collins on Improving Workplace Performance and Motivation
Bill Cosby made a great presentation years ago...
Square Wheels, timing and rhyming on issues
Yes, viewers, Scott goes off on another creative...
Ideas and Images – The Brain Sees New Possibilities
I've been interested in illusions and creativity...
The Square Wheels really ARE everywhere!
I have been saying that for a long long time. It...
Innovation, Strategy and Motivation
I am sitting on the bed in Mumbai, looking at...
Tripping to India to do Strategy Implementation and Team Building
The past month has been quite a journey, even...
On Brainstorming and workplace productivity improvement
I recently responded to a LinkedIn post on the...
Spectator Sheep – Engaging and Involving Poor Performers
I saw a post in one of my online training groups...