This post contains funny thoughts and one liners from Dr. Scott Simmerman on "Teaching the...
What does AI say about Square Wheels tools
I asked Bard, Google's AI tool now called Gemini, about the Square Wheels® tools we've been...
BOSS: Spelled Backwards
Boss. In organizations, a lot of people know precisely who that is. And that can be a positive or...
A Square Wheels Quote on Meaningfulness
Since much of my thinking involves the workplace and engagement and productivity, and my blog IS...
Elephants, Line Managers and Workplace Engagement
More and more, I am convinced that the key training people in organizations do not reside in HR /...
A Dance of Change – something new?
It was funny to read a little blurb in the ASTD Training & Development magazine about an...
We CANNOT expect involvement and engagement if we play the Blame Frame Game
How can we motivate people when we make them defensive? How can we expect innovation and process...
Moron ENGAGEMENT, is it even possible today
The conversations about time availability for coaching and team building by supervisors continue...
On Teamwork, Trial and Error Improvement, and Blame Frames
Organizational improvement and teamwork tends to be a lot of trial and error improvement. The...
Herding Cats and The Moose Joke: Moving 50 feet further than last year…
It really IS like the EDS commercial years ago about Herding Cats! And it is hard to maintain...
Alternate Versions of our Spring Forward Monday Square Wheels engagement tools
We have created some alternative versions of our toolkit and handouts for employee engagement. One...
Implementing Round Wheels to fix the Square Ones
Some simple thoughts about Square Wheels® One and about interactively capturing ideas for improvement.
Possible Potential Possibilities and Continuous Continuous Improvement
Ron Richard, a quality consultant up in Canada, and I have been co-publishing some ideas and he is...
Business Haiku – Possibilities for Organizational Improvement with Square Wheels
While there are problems with employee motivation and performance improvement, it is not always...
Business Haiku – Square Wheels thoughts and ideas
It is well known that images add to imagination and that poems and quips often anchor ideas to...