We are at the cusp of a new year and this tends...
facilitating workplace improvement
“Spring Forward Monday” For Workplace Improvement
Monday's, most typically, are the least favorite...
Best Practices – Performance Shortcuts that need sharing
My thinking for the past 30 years has been about...
Engagement, Communications and Building Teams
We talk about engagement, but it does not appear...
We CANNOT expect involvement and engagement if we play the Blame Frame Game
How can we motivate people when we make them...
Team Building and Large Event Management Ideas
My network of consultant users is sharing the...
Teamwork and Politics, Alligators and Sharks and Fear as a Motivator
Organizational Improvement and Performance...
On Teamwork, Trial and Error Improvement, and Blame Frames
Organizational improvement and teamwork tends to...
Facilitation? Me, a Facilitator? Me, a MOTIVATOR??
I haven't checked lately, but 50 years of...
Puppies and Performance Improvement – Random Thoughts…
Much of my thinking involves that metaphor of a...
Square Wheels – NOT some simple model of organizational performance
An interesting telephone conversation this...
Intrinsic Motivation and Engagement – Training is NOT the answer
Here are a series of my old Square Wheels line...
The Origin of Engagement in the breakdown of Appraisal and Control
Simply put: We need stop doing such a lousy job...
Common Traps when Debriefing – some ideas from Roger Greenaway
Roger Greenaway is a superb facilitator. Even...
Followup, Followup, Followup — The Only Way to make Improvements
Guilty of it myself, much more often than I...