Let's turn Spectator Sheep into engaged and...
Announcing PMC LLC, a new organization arising from Performance Management Company
A description of the creation of PMC LLC and the shift from the Lost Dutchman board game into a virtual program for remote worker teambuilding. Lost Dutchman Virtual is a great tool for remote teams and issues of collaboration and alignment.
What is Performance Management Company
What is PMC - who are we? Founded in 1984, PMC...
About Scott Simmerman, Ph.D.
Dr. Scott Simmerman is the creator of the Square...
Speeding up Lost Dutchman – team building ideas
Over the years, I have come to deliver a...
Coaching and the Parallels to Running Whitewater Rapids
Some thoughts on the Rating of Difficulty of...
Coaching and the Parallels to Running Whitewater Rapids, Part 2
The Whitewater of Coaching Improved Performance...
Issues of Ownership and Engagement
Nobody Ever Washes a Rental Car This is an...
“Don’t Just DO Something, Stand There.“
This statement, above, describes the action that...
Some simple thinking on innovation and involvement
Here is a surprise for you: Big Ideas don’t come...
Benefits of Experiential Exercises in Organizational Development
We sometimes have the opportunity to debrief...
Change Management, Innovation and Employee Engagement
Some of Scott’s Thinking on employee engagement...
Managing and Leading Innovation and Change
There are LOTS of statistics around issues of...
Executive Compensation, Employee Motivation, and The Future
I was going through some old transparencies...
Team Building in Mumbai, India. Square Wheels and Dutchman
“I love it when a plan comes together!” This is...