I was thinking organizational detoxification and...
What does AI say about the Lost Dutchman teambuilding game?
I wondered, what would Bard, Google's AI tool...
30 Years of Great Teambuilding – a Press Release about Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine Teambuilding
Here is a Press Release about Lost Dutchman's...
Teambuilding with Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine, and the VIRTUAL version
Scott Simmerman has developed a virtual version of his team building simulation, The Search for The Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine, first released as a board game in 1993 and used worldwide.
Why do teams choose to compete rather than collaborate?
People continually make choices, selecting...
The Origin of Engagement in the breakdown of Appraisal and Control
Simply put: We need stop doing such a lousy job...
Slideshare Overview of Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine, a team building game
In the past few weeks, people have been asking...
Innovate & Implement – an exercise linked to getting things done
We've been playing with the design of a package...
Coaching and the Parallels to Running Whitewater Rapids
Some thoughts on the Rating of Difficulty of...
Issues of Ownership and Engagement
Nobody Ever Washes a Rental Car This is an...
Organizational Communications: The Mission — In The Beginning
I came across this “story” called "In The...
Benefits of Experiential Exercises in Organizational Development
We sometimes have the opportunity to debrief...
Why do teams compete? Collaboration offers more positive benefits?
Teams and teamwork are a lot about choice and...
Managing and Leading Innovation and Change
There are LOTS of statistics around issues of...
Thoughts on Purposeful Meeting Openers and Icebreakers
One of my LinkedIn groups had a post where the...