Let's turn Spectator Sheep into engaged and...
Keeping It Stupidly Simple – Thoughts on Teams and Teamwork
In a recent LinkedIn thread on leadership, Bob...
Reflection and Innovation: Don’t Just DO Something, Stand There
This statement, Don't Just DO Something, Stand...
What is Performance Management Company
What is PMC - who are we? Founded in 1984, PMC...
Leading People by Involving and Engaging – some resources
Motivating, aligning and engaging people are...
Leading – Some Simple Ideas on Engagement
There are thousands of books on leadership, so...
Followup, Followup, Followup — The Only Way to make Improvements
Guilty of it myself, much more often than I...
Rewarding High Performance in The Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine teambuilding game
Managers do not often deal with good performers...
Team Building – Failures and Designing for Success
My friend Andrew Grant at Tirian is an Aussie...
“We have met the enemy and He is US.” Pogo, Leadership and Management
Early in my career, there was a popular quote...
Illusions and Management – Some thoughts about Reality
I posted up what I thought was a pretty fun blog...
A Haiku poem on Management and Improvement
I continue to play around with the cartoons and...
Some interesting points to ponder about CEO performance
Okay, let's start with a simple question: You...
Metaphors, Business Impacts and Behavioral Anchors
Some thoughts on jokes and metaphors for people and performance improvement.
Catch 22 — So True!
Joseph Heller's book, "Catch 22," is an absolute...