Here is an Animated Square Wheels® Icebreaker for team bonding and engagement, a simple-to-use,...
Turning Spectator Sheep into Engaged and Involved Employees
Let's turn Spectator Sheep into engaged and involved employees. You know who they are and what...
What is Performance Management Company? (We do corporate teambuilding!)
What is PMC - who are those people? (And note that they now operate as Performance Management...
Team Bonding. Engagement. Innovation – an Animated Square Wheels Icebreaker
Interested in a simple-to-use, engaging, experiential framework to generate active involvement in...
Branding, Change, Marketing and Square Wheels
We sell simple tools for communications and engagement and have been doing it now for 25 years. We...
Show and Tell and Ask for Engagement
My partner, Joan, surprised me with an email she sent out to those people who are subscribed to...
Thanksgiving, Innovation Ideas for Sustaining Success
We are going to pop up a free little Thanksgiving Conversational Toolkit focused on improving...
Purposeful Meeting Openers and Icebreakers: Relevant and Congruent
In my experience, many trainers and consultants focused on involving and engaging participants use...
Some Leadership and Training Jokes and Haiku
Occasionally, I go off on a tangent and this is certainly one of those times. In an email, someone...
Some Square Wheels Illustrated Quotes
There are a few main "one-liners" and memorable quotes that I use regularly in my articles and...
Most Read Posts on Performance, Square Wheels and Team Building
I took a look at some of the most popular blog posts on the Performance Management Company blog...
Murphy's Laws and why nothing ever actually succeeds
Some of us old guys are well aware of Murphy's Laws, but I was kind of shocked the other day when...
Motivation, Training and Icebreakers. Keeping It Real!
Opportunities to increase motivation abound in every organization. So many things one can do to...
Moron Outdoor Training
I have posted up thoughts before about my views on Outdoor Training and how, personally, I've not...
The Customer sets the price for our Square Wheels Facilitation Toolkit!
Please note: We stopped this promotion a while back. People continued to pay our retail price for...