Let's turn Spectator Sheep into engaged and involved employees. You know who they are and what...
Thoughts on Flying Frogs and Human Performance – and some metaphors
A discussion about the major differences between appraisal and performance management along with a parable that tells a useful story and details a good metaphor about people getting things accomplished.
Announcing PMC LLC, a new organization arising from Performance Management Company
A description of the creation of PMC LLC and the shift from the Lost Dutchman board game into a virtual program for remote worker teambuilding. Lost Dutchman Virtual is a great tool for remote teams and issues of collaboration and alignment.
What is Performance Management Company? (We do corporate teambuilding!)
What is PMC - who are those people? (And note that they now operate as Performance Management...
Innovation and Thinking – Continuous Continuous Improvement
Innovation and continuous improvement are increasingly important issues for today's business, with...
Teams, Teaming and Teamworking
There have been a number of articles around the idea that teamwork does not work to improve...
The Reality of Change, Innovation and Employee Engagement
The reality of change is that it takes new things to drive it forward. Innovation and employee...
Why do teams choose to compete rather than collaborate?
People continually make choices, selecting responses from their existing set of "behavioral...
Teamwork Works! Teambuilding has Positive Impacts.
There have been a variety of articles and posts on different leadership development groups taking...
What is Performance Management Company
What is PMC - who are we? Founded in 1984, PMC is dedicated to collaborating with an international...
Performance Management – what it is (and isn’t)
WAY back in 1978, I started consulting after a short career as a psychology professor. It just...
You set YOUR price for our Facilitation Toolkit – Square Wheels Roll!
Square Wheels illustrations have been used worldwide for almost 20 years as tools for...
Selling Lost Dutchman – some discussion tips
We have a lot of users of The Search for The Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine worldwide, and many people...
Motivation, Collaboration, Engagement and Dis-Un-Empowerment*
* Dis-un-empowerment: The removal of those performance-influencing factors (real or believed) that...
Thoughts on Teamwork and Engagement
This is about issues and opportunities around people and performance. Maximum organizational...