The Search for The Lost Dutchman's simulation is seen as the world's best teambuilding exercise to...
Frustrations with Team Building
Over time, I have many frustrations with team building as I overview the global marketplace and...
Elevator Speeches on Lost Dutchman – The Best Game on Collaboration
Elevator Speeches on Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine - The Best Game on Collaboration -- where there are...
Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine – The Perfect Team Building Game
For 30 years, I have been believing that The Search for The Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine is The...
Square Wheels Roll
The wagon we manage does work because the Square Wheels roll. Just like they always have. Thump...
Debriefing Great Team Building Experiences
There is an art and a science around debriefing great team building experiences. Here I want to...
Are organizations burned out around team building?
Are organizations burned out around team building games, given that many of the activities that...
Flow and Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine: Driving Peak Performance
Here, we discuss the concept of FLOW and Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine: Driving Peak Performance, with...
What does AI say about Square Wheels tools
I asked Bard, Google's AI tool now called Gemini, about the Square Wheels® tools we've been...
Team Building Events with Large Groups – Organizational Improvement Ideas
Doing Team Building Events with Large Groups CAN be very powerful and impactful developmental...
Performance Feedback to Optimize Teamwork and Performance
In the play of our teambuilding exercise, there are subtle ways where providing teams performance...
Employee Engagement – Ask versus Tell, a leadership Best Practice
Employee Engagement! People make it seem as if it was some kind of action that is separate from...
What is the best teambuilding game for remote learning?
While it may appear that I'm going out on a limb in responding to the quest for the best, years of...
What is SUCCESS in team building?
An issue I keep seeing in teambuilding events is a failure to define success in the desired...
Is Firewalking incompatible with real teambuilding?
Firewalking. Does it work for teambuilding? Quick answer: NO. Firewalking is certainly an...