Are people Quiet Quitters or just "UN-engaged?" And what pushes so many to make those choices to...
Are organizations burned out around team building?
Are organizations burned out around team building games, given that many of the activities that...
DIS-Un-Engagement – The only real way to engage people for workplace improvement
So often, we see talk of engaging people. In actuality, the only real way to engage people for...
Dis-Un-Engagement – Improving Motivation and Facilitating Workplace Improvement
Dis-Un-Engagement is a simple model that suggests people ARE un-engaged and that managers can...
Manage Workplace Roadblocks – Prevent Employees from Quitting Before Quitting
Impact people and performance by helping them better manage the roadblocks they face in getting what they want. Reduce turnover and improve productivity.
Workplace Flexibility has a lot in store for both employees and employers. Are you game?
Offices have changed forever! Organizations no longer see employees spending five-day, 40-hour...
“It makes sense to us” – Thoughts on disengagement and customer service quality
A trip to the library should be enlightening, and I read a lot of books so I go at least twice a...
FREE The Supervisor – thoughts on Disruptive Positive Active Engagement
Free The Supervisor might be my new chant as I continue to research and discuss and consider the...
Disruptive Engagement, Supervisors, Empowerment and Performance Improvement
I listened to a great presentation yesterday by Mercer on managing engagement, the need to focus...
Trust in the Sand
My colleagues in Romania just sent me an email about one of their blog posts on leadership that...
Spring Forward Monday™ is March 13, 2017 – A Square Wheels® Solution
Okay, March 13 is a Monday. But it is also the Monday after Sunday morning's loss of an hour's...
Are Managers simply BAD or is it the Workplace
This will be a short post, with a link to a solid article and one illustration. Gallup had an...
Square Wheels, Dr. Seuss and “suck” or “muck?”
As we develop more and more thoughts on The Square Wheels Project, our course to teach...
BOSS: Spelled Backwards
Boss. In organizations, a lot of people know precisely who that is. And that can be a positive or...
Innovation and Change: BIG Sale on Square Wheels!
A conversation turns into an idea and then an illustration is produced. That seems how creativity...