Author Tom Robbins died on February 9, 2025 at the age of 92 and it made me think of what he would...
Scott Simmerman on “Teaching the Caterpillar to Fly”
Some funny thoughts and one-liners from Scott Simmerman on "Teaching the Caterpillar to Fly," and...
Academic Improvements through Teamwork and Collaboration
Here are some personal beliefs about making academic improvements through teamwork and...
Engagement – Think Local, Act Local
I was reading an article on adapting things like HomeKit and Echo into the way people interact...
Intrinsic Motivation – It comes from having a goal
My friend Jimmy Jain posted up a picture of himself after running a race. The images of him below...
Stupidly Simple Square Wheels Video: Facilitating Improvement
LEGO. iPhone. Square Wheels. Engagement. Innovation. Involvement. Ownership. See what comes to...
Collaboration – Abstracts of Blog Posts of Scott Simmerman
Collaboration offers big benefits to organizations. It directly impacts motivation and engagement...
Engaging Senior Managers in Large Group Teambuilding Events
Engaging Senior Managers is a real challenge; to really gain their commitment to collaboration,...
Engaging Senior Managers in Organizational Teambuilding
Since we started focusing on the rental of our large event team building simulation, The Search...
PMC's Team Building Activities – Comparison Matrix
The pressure is on -- people want me to bring forth my new game design on strategy implementation,...
LEGO Team Building Exercises
If you have been following my blogs, you would know that I am using LEGO to do team building and...
We CANNOT expect involvement and engagement if we play the Blame Frame Game
How can we motivate people when we make them defensive? How can we expect innovation and process...
Team Building and Large Event Management Ideas
My network of consultant users is sharing the idea that the "large team building event business"...
On Teamwork, Trial and Error Improvement, and Blame Frames
Organizational improvement and teamwork tends to be a lot of trial and error improvement. The...
Herding Cats and The Moose Joke: Moving 50 feet further than last year…
It really IS like the EDS commercial years ago about Herding Cats! And it is hard to maintain...