This post contains funny thoughts and one liners from Dr. Scott Simmerman on "Teaching the...
Square Wheels and Lenny Bruce
Lenny Bruce, known for his sharp wit and incisive social commentary, would likely have found the...
What Would Frederick Taylor DO?
This “What Would Frederick Taylor Do” is the third in a series of posts I am doing to share about...
What Would Tom Peters Do?
This "What Would Tom Peters Do" is the first in a series of posts I will do to share about key...
Implementing Improvement – Brainstorming Tools
Implementing improvement is a key role of any supervisor or manager. And the simple use of...
Turning Spectator Sheep into Engaged and Involved Employees
Let's turn Spectator Sheep into engaged and involved employees. You know who they are and what...
Why are Square Wheels presentations impactful?
Square Wheels® presentations are unusual because of the very useful metaphor that is the anchor of...
Evolution of C-Suite from Business-Centric to People-Centric
There has been an evolution of C-Suite executives in the last decade. In addition to having industry expertise and financial acumen, C-Suite executives who are better relationship builders, adept communicators, problem solvers, and good listeners are the need of the hour.
Square Wheels Cartoons and Quotes Supporting a Gratitude Attitude
Older Square Wheels Cartoons and Quotes Supporting a Gratitude Attitude were shared when Joan...
Branding, Change, Marketing and Square Wheels
We sell simple tools for communications and engagement and have been doing it now for 25 years. We...
Dr. Seuss on Disruptive Engagement
Even Dr. Seuss would understand the issues and opportunities around disruptive engagement and the...
Engagement – Think Local, Act Local
I was reading an article on adapting things like HomeKit and Echo into the way people interact...
Facilitating Workplace Improvement: Herding Cats and Frogs
Some thoughts and ideas about managing the unmanageable. And some cute videos. You CAN herd cats if you have your act together, maybe…
Monkeys, Management and Motivation – Simple Ideas
A blog about issues around corporate cultures and normative behaviors that make no apparent sense,
Santa’s Square Wheels Performance Improvement Poem
A special Holidays greeting to you with the hope that an illustrated "Getting Santa Rolling" poem...