In the Dune books of Frank Herbert, addressing fear, the mindkiller, is a main component of human...
Collaborative Action around AI. Mining More Gold
Unveiling the Gold Within Your Organization: A Call for Collaborative Action around AI, people and...
Good meetings, employee engagement and economics.
Okay, the obvious: Good meetings positively impact employee engagement and economics. But how do...
Return to The Office drives Productivity Decrease
A return to the office drives a productivity decrease in US organizations, reports a Fortune...
Turning Spectator Sheep into Engaged and Involved Employees
Let's turn Spectator Sheep into engaged and involved employees. You know who they are and what...
Manage Workplace Roadblocks – Prevent Employees from Quitting Before Quitting
Impact people and performance by helping them better manage the roadblocks they face in getting what they want. Reduce turnover and improve productivity.
Reflection and Innovation: Don’t Just DO Something, Stand There
This statement, Don't Just DO Something, Stand There! describes the action that we have been...
Team Building Followup – Maximizing Impact with Cartoons
This is our 20th year of selling team building games and we are pleased to have so many great...
Scott's Most Excellent Presentation Quotes and Quips
Teaching the Caterpillar to Fly and other Square Wheels Workshop Quips and Quotes by Dr. Scott...
Does Teamwork Work? Issues and Ideas for Improvement
There are people who think that no teamwork actually works to improve performance and that the...
Military Team Building Games – some thoughts on alternatives
Good Governance, rather than autocratic leadership, is one of the keys to creating value and...
Simple thoughts on Extrinsic Motivation
Sometimes, I am not sure what triggers the motivation for me to pop into here and write up a blog....
Motivation and Dis-Un-Engagement
I got engaged in a discussion on LinkedIn, on a discussion page for HR professionals, where the...
Are Square Wheels better than Round Ones?
We have been playing with the concept of Square Wheels as a descriptive tool for organizational...
Thinking and the Brain – Why we need simple tools
I have been thinking about thinking lately, which is sometimes a dangerous thing to do, and...