Elevator Speeches on Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine - The Best Game on Collaboration where there are no...
Organizational Detoxification
I was thinking organizational detoxification and about a simple, very direct way to change...
Square Wheels and Lenny Bruce
Lenny Bruce, known for his sharp wit and incisive social commentary, would likely have found the...
An Ode to Square Wheels
Square Wheels illustrations, that I first introduced in the early 90s, have since been used on the...
Change, Coaching and Mentoring – Teaching The Caterpillar to Fly
The purpose of this post is to impact Change, Coaching and Mentoring. "Teaching The Caterpillar to...
What will Brian Niccol DO at Starbucks?
Brian Niccol was the CEO of Chipotle. What will Brian Niccol DO at Starbucks now that he is CEO? I...
What Would Deming Do?
This “What Would Deming Do” is the fifth in a series of posts I am doing to share about key...
Funny Thoughts on Square Wheels
Funny Thoughts on Square Wheels is a summary of some of the crazy realities of how my Square...
What Would Bob Mager Do to Improve Organizational Performance
This "What Would Bob Mager Do" is the fourth in a series of posts I am doing to share about key...
Nobody ever washes a rental car!
For decades, I have use the quote, "Nobody ever washes a rental car!" when presenting ahout issues...
What Would Frederick Taylor DO?
This “What Would Frederick Taylor Do” is the third in a series of posts I am doing to share about...
Competition is TOO High
Competition is TOO High in many organizations. And this is somewhat intentional with unanticipated...
What Would Peter Drucker Do?
This “What Would Peter Drucker Do” is the second in a series of posts I will do to share about key...
Supervisors: Important for Engagement. Motivation. Innovation.
Supervisors are critically important for engagement, motivation and innovation. Are we optimizing...
Academic Improvements through Teamwork and Collaboration
Here are some personal beliefs about making academic improvements through teamwork and...