This post contains funny thoughts and one liners from Dr. Scott Simmerman on "Teaching the...
Square Wheels and Lenny Bruce
Lenny Bruce, known for his sharp wit and incisive social commentary, would likely have found the...
Steven Wright on Square Wheels
Steven Wright is a funny guy so I thought to adapt the thinking of Steven Wright on Square Wheels®...
An Ode to Square Wheels
Square Wheels illustrations, that I first introduced in the early 90s, have since been used on the...
Change, Coaching and Mentoring – Teaching The Caterpillar to Fly
The purpose of this post is to impact Change, Coaching and Mentoring. "Teaching The Caterpillar to...
What will Brian Niccol DO at Starbucks?
Brian Niccol was the CEO of Chipotle. What will Brian Niccol DO at Starbucks now that he is CEO? I...
Funny Thoughts on Square Wheels
Funny Thoughts on Square Wheels is a summary of some of the crazy realities of how my Square...
The Moose Joke: Scott Simmerman’s Best Presentation Closing Storyline
I think The Moose Joke is the best presentation closing storyline that I have ever heard in a...
What Would Bob Mager Do to Improve Organizational Performance
This "What Would Bob Mager Do" is the fourth in a series of posts I am doing to share about key...
Nobody ever washes a rental car!
For decades, I have use the quote, "Nobody ever washes a rental car!" when presenting ahout issues...
Square Wheels Roll
The wagon we manage does work because the Square Wheels roll. Just like they always have. Thump...
Favorite Workshop Quotes from Dr. Scott Simmerman
Some favorite workshop quotes from Dr. Scott Simmerman, from over the past 40 years of presenting...
Supervisors: Important for Engagement. Motivation. Innovation.
Supervisors are critically important for engagement, motivation and innovation. Are we optimizing...
Debriefing Great Team Building Experiences
There is an art and a science around debriefing great team building experiences. Here I want to...
Daniel Kahneman, Thinking and Team Building
Thinking and Team Building clearly generates improved organizational performance. Simple. So how...