Elevator Speeches on Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine - The Best Game on Collaboration where there are no...
Organizational Detoxification
I was thinking organizational detoxification and about a simple, very direct way to change...
Funny Thoughts on Square Wheels
Funny Thoughts on Square Wheels is a summary of some of the crazy realities of how my Square...
Nobody ever washes a rental car!
For decades, I have use the quote, "Nobody ever washes a rental car!" when presenting ahout issues...
Favorite Workshop Quotes from Dr. Scott Simmerman
Some favorite workshop quotes from Dr. Scott Simmerman, from over the past 40 years of presenting...
Debriefing Great Team Building Experiences
There is an art and a science around debriefing great team building experiences. Here I want to...
Daniel Kahneman, Thinking and Team Building
Thinking and Team Building clearly generates improved organizational performance. Simple. So how...
Learning Lessons on Culture from The Galapagos
There are many learning lessons on culture from visiting The Galapagos for anyone paying attention...
Spectator Sheep – Ideas for dealing with the non-engaged
Here are some ideas for dealing with the non-engaged, on impacting the uninvolved / unengaged, the...
Dutchman Delivery Tip – Speed and Quality Learning Points
A discussion the other day focused on a problem with speed and quality learning points for the...
The Square Wheels Controversy – No Longer an Issue for 2023
There USED to be a Square Wheels Controversy around which of the styles of images were the most...
Learning Lessons from The Galapagos – Culture
My trips to The Galapagos have generated interesting Learning Lessons for me about people and...
Square Wheels – People and Performance – A joke and a story
Square Wheels® are engagement tools, a series of images around a metaphor of how things really...
Haiku on Fear, Perspective and Teamwork
Occasionally, I play with Haiku and use it with images to impact thinking. Here is one on Fear,...
The Round Wheels of Change in a Square Wheeled World
Let's face it: Leaders resist change and ideas for improvement. The challenge is to give them some...