The purpose of this post is to impact Change, Coaching and Mentoring. "Teaching The Caterpillar to...
Funny Thoughts on Square Wheels
Funny Thoughts on Square Wheels is a summary of some of the crazy realities of how my Square...
What Would Bob Mager Do to Improve Organizational Performance
This "What Would Bob Mager Do" is the fourth in a series of posts I am doing to share about key...
Nobody ever washes a rental car!
For decades, I have use the quote, "Nobody ever washes a rental car!" when presenting ahout issues...
Square Wheels Roll
The wagon we manage does work because the Square Wheels roll. Just like they always have. Thump...
Supervisors: Important for Engagement. Motivation. Innovation.
Supervisors are critically important for engagement, motivation and innovation. Are we optimizing...
Are organizations burned out around team building?
Are organizations burned out around team building games, given that many of the activities that...
That Damn Un-Engagement Thing…
That damn unengagement thing keeps happening, over and over. And I think collaboration is a key to...
Ideas – Overcoming resistance to new ideas
Here are some thoughts about helping your people overcome resistance to innovation and new ideas....
Spectator Sheep – Ideas for dealing with the non-engaged
Here are some ideas for dealing with the non-engaged, on impacting the uninvolved / unengaged, the...
The FIX – a simple Square Wheels Toolkit for team building
The FIX is a simple Square Wheels® toolkit used for team building and improving communications....
The FIX – a simple Square Wheels / LEGO toolkit for engagement
Today is 22 March 2023 and for a very limited time, I am offering a free interactive and highly...
Dis-Un-Engagement – Improving Motivation and Facilitating Workplace Improvement
Dis-Un-Engagement is a simple model that suggests people ARE un-engaged and that managers can...
Simple thoughts on training, motivation and leadership
Simple Thoughts on training, motivation and leadership is the focus of this short blog, with a...
Generating Intrinsic Motivation and Active Engagement
Intrinsic Motivation is the real driver of performance. And, Active Engagement is a critical...